Aaaand now that all the transcripts are in and somewhat cleaned up, here is the complete collection of EucaDay artifacts; if you wanted to know what happened during any of the Eucalyptus sessions, everything you need is below. It is all text-based so it is easy to search and translate (there are no audio or video files available). If new artifacts come in, I will update this post accordingly.

If you are catching up with the event now, I suggest reading the transcripts (there are two) as a primary activity since they are a live capture of what was said during the event, then opening the other artifacts (slides and videos) as they are mentioned in the transcript.

Morning transcript - a running log of what was said during (and around) Marten's and Tim's presentations, including audience questions. Use this as your primary reading to catch up on the morning.

Marten's slides (presented in the morning) - Marten Mickos is the CEO of Eucalyptus, and gave an overview of where the company is and where it's headed.

Tim's slides (presented in the morning) - Tim Cramer is the VP of Engineering at Eucalyptus, and talked about the state of Eucalyptus technical development.

Morning IRC backchannel log - what was being discussed on IRC during Tim and Marten's talks.

Afternoon transcript - a running log of what was said during (and around) Greg's presentation, including audience questions, and the EucaDay wrap-up by Marten. Use this as your primary reading to catch up on the afternoon.

Greg's slides (presented in the afternoon) - Greg DeKoenigsberg is the VP of Community at Eucalyptus, and talked about why a thriving open source community is vital to Eucalyptus -- and then let community members take the floor through short filmclips.

Videos (shown in the afternoon) in the order they were shown:

Afternoon IRC backchannel logs- what was being discussed on IRC during the Community session.

Feel free to edit and comment on any of the transcripts and artifacts -- and let us know whether this sort of event documentation is useful, and whether we should do it again!