Karsten Wade is leading our POSSE group in a "let's learn how to be a contributor to Fedora Documentation!" exercise - in this case, writing release notes. I made a screencast at the request of some of the other participants (originally screenshots until I realized it was Just Easier to use Istanbul).

This way, if Karsten (or anyone else!) wants to teach the same material again, they can follow a 10.5 minute video instead of going through an hour-long explanation on IRC. Ah, the power of documentation!

It's worth pointing out that we didn't originally have Documentation on our "Stuff To Learn" schedule at all; this was a spontaneous happy moment, with Karsten around and offering to teach, and folks in the room deciding they wanted to learn, and me deciding to make a screencast. The unplanned-ness is probably a huge part of what made it such a good learning experience - I'm not sure how this would work as a Standard Part Of Someone's Classroom Syllabus. But... you know, I could be wrong. Teachers, what do you think?

This project is maintained by mchua

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