Life accelerating in the exciting-hat direction, so look - sentence fragments, semi-coherent bullet-style points!

Bernie pointed out that FLOSS Sugar is another term for cotton candy, and Caroline suggested standing in front of edtech conferences with a cotton candy machine for viral marketing. Starting to work on getting SL GsoC students SoaS pilots near them.

Red Hat's Westford office has a gym. (Okay, the Raleigh office has these babies, which are arguably cooler, but... but...) I am now trying to figure out how to utilize this to make my shoulder muscles Less Fantastically Awful.

OSS education projects in India. Rockin'. And the first face-to-face meeting for RapidSMS is tomorrow, so I'm curious how that's going to work out.

I've already posted about POSSE. (Multiple times. With great excitement.) And now breakfast-time is over and it's time for me to get back to work on that. Whee!