Another discovery from the depths of notebook archives. After taking the Myers-Brigg type test about 3 years ago, I went and read whatever I could find on my type, INFP. Comments from today in parentheses inline.

  • Everything has a deeper meaning.
  • Laid back, unless values are threatened.
  • Oblivious to mundane details of life maintenance. (Oh. Right, we're supposed to drink water. And sleep sometimes.)
  • Personal rather than impersonal judgments (This makes it hard to scale your decision-making powers...)
  • Perfectionist, self-reliant, and won't ask for help (Hey! I'm working on it!)
  • Sees good in everything (Of course. Isn't it?)
  • Fantasty and reality intertwined, like Calvin and Hobbes.
  • Extreme depth of feeling, often hidden.
  • De-jargonizes ("bahasa geek to English" translations)
  • Interprets symbols (what does that mean?)
  • Often gifted with language
  • Reluctant leaders; motivate through praise (I think that anybody who's taken a class I've taught would probably agree with that.)
  • Avoids conflict and undue attention - undersells self (I'm working on it, I said.)
  • Likes leisure, but finds it hard to separate leisure from work. (But work is fun!)
  • If an INFP loses control of the work they do, they lose their belief in what they're doing, and then they lose interest in it.
  • Easily distracted. (I have no idea what you're talki- oooh, shiny.)

According to the notes above, some resources go on to tell you what kind of work environment an INFP needs. It should express your vision, values, and beliefs, let you have control and time, particularly private time, while still retaining the ability to bounce ideas off people. It should have a flexible schedule, no tension, many others like you, and no competition or bureaucracy. The job should allow you to help others learn how to develop their potential, involve deep relationships and understanding people, and big-picture thinking. (Wow. This sounds awesome. I I always want to have jobs like that.) You get impatient with routine details. (Yes. Yes, I do.)

A school that you go to should be flexible, with teachers who take a personal interest in you. Creativity should be rewarded; you "interpret" assignments as you will. (Hey, this sounds a lot like Olin.) Deadlines force you to decide when your work is "good enough." (Or rather, they remind you in hindsight when you were irrational about making something too perfect.)