_While roaming through the internet (as one does), I came across a YouTube video of a first-year engineering college class’s flash mob titled “One Test More.” Of course, it wasn’t captioned, so I couldn’t figure out the lyrics… but by the time one of my (hearing) colleagues assured me they weren’t particularly memorable, I was already halfway through coming up with my own (because that’s how I decompress from a long day of videoconferencing, apparently).

I do not pretend that these lyrics are spectacular in the slightest, but if you should ever want to use them to surprise your class, here they are in all theier open-licensed remixable glory. Set to “One Day More” from Les Miserables; it is suggested that the instructor sing Javert’s part._

VALJEAN: One test more Another day, another destiny This never-ending road to my degree This test that I have been assigned To do in the allotted time One test more

MARIUS: I did not sleep before today Anxiety has not departed

VALJEAN: One test more

MARIUS & COSETTE: I have been studying all day I haven’t slept since finals started

EPONINE: One more test all on my own

MARIUS & COSETTE: Will we ever sleep again?

EPONINE: I just got this, and I’m staring

MARIUS & COSETTE: I’ve been studying with you

EPONINE: All the answers I have known

MARIUS & COSETTE: And I hope my answer’s true

EPONINE: Have just flown into the air

ENJOLRAS: One more test upon this form

MARIUS: Do I follow where this goes?

ENJOLRAS: I can almost taste the freedom

MARIUS: Does this variable go there?

ENJOLRAS: Then I have to clean my dorm

MARIUS: Think I have it - do I dare?

ENJOLRAS: Will you take your place with me?

ALL: The time is now, the day is here

VALJEAN: One test more

JAVERT: Testing at this institution Helps us rigorously sort We’ll be ready for the ranks of US News and World Report

VALJEAN: One test more

M. & MME. THENARDIER: Watch ‘em run amuck Watch ‘em as they fall Never know your luck Is there a curve at all Here’s a little ‘dip’ There a little ‘touch’ Proctors aren’t watching So they won’t catch much

STUDENTS (2 Groups): 1: One day to a new beginning

2: Raise the flag of freedom high

1: Everyone will stand and sing

2: Everyone will stand and sing

1: There’s degrees here for the winning

2: There’s a new world to be won

ALL: Do you hear the school bell ring?

MARIUS (to ENJOLRAS): My test is done, I’ll clean with you

VALJEAN: One day more

MARIUS & COSETTE: I did not sleep before today

EPONINE: One more test all on my own

MARIUS & COSETTE: Anxiety has not departed

JAVERT (overlapping): We will score these scantron bubbles We will follow where they go We will spot conceptual troubles We will know the things they know

VALJEAN: One test more

MARIUS & COSETTE: I have been studying all day

EPONINE: All the answers I have known

MARIUS & COSETTE: I haven’t slept since finals started

JAVERT (overlapping): Testing at this institution Helps us rigorously sort We’ll be ready for the ranks of US News and World Report

THENARDIERS (overlapping): Watch ‘em run amuck Watch ‘em as they fall Never know your luck Is there a curve at all

VALJEAN: Tomorrow we’ll be far away Tomorrow, grades and judgement day

ALL: Tomorrow we’ll discover Who has gotten through a passing score One more dawn One more day One test more