Advantage of Thanksgiving day: free time, occupied family (cooking), more space and time for me to do the things I've wanted to do since leaving for Singapore.

Disadvantage of Thanksgiving: remembering to use it for the right things (right now, butternut squash soup preparation, not reading through my email/feedreader backlog or gleefully traipsing through Wikipedia articles on things I was interested in). Besides, if I don't start now, the pie will not be baked in time.
If you meet any of the below criteria:

  1. Riding the FUDBus
  2. In need of crash space in Boston immediately before or after FUDCon (regardless of whether or not you are on the FUDBus)
  3. Can offer crash space in Boston immediately before or after FUDCon (regardless of whether or not you are going to FUDCon)

Then you should read this email,
which contains bus details and a call for Boston-area couches.

That is all.