MooDoo's meme has spread. Joining the roster of infected agents, which includes tatica, nicubunu, bpepple, loupgaroublond, gantu, tdfischer, gbraad, kital, mizmo, VileGent, Sankarshan, Phrk0nLsh, and MooDoo...
Name: Mel Chua
IRC nick: mchua
IRC channels: #fedora-mktg pretty much always, #fedora-<everything_else> a large part of the time.
Location: Theoretically, I'm Boston-based. Realistically, I'm in Travel Mode of Ridiculousness (and lovin' it) and have no idea where I'll be waking up next week. Right now, I'm in Singapore.
Photo by Rikki Kite after Fedora Ambassadors at the 2009 Ontario Linux Fest reminded me of my promise to put a (temporary) tattoo on my forehead... my family was greatly confused when I arrived back at the house that evening.