I've rediscovered books. And that my reading speed has slowed to a crawl compared to what I remember going through when I was 10, 12, 14. To be fair, I'm probably reading more difficult things now, but Gone With The Wind and The Lord Of The Rings and The Origin Of Speciesweren't exactly primers - I think the difference is that I now read more things that lead me outside the edge of how I've trained myself to think, so I pause more to let stuff sink in.

It means I can maybe read 3-5 books a day (or 1, if that book is thicker than my fist, a math book, or not in my native language) instead of... I used to go through 2-3 times that amount every day after school. Okay, most of them were fantasy/sci-fi, not the nonfiction I'm reading now. But. Still.

Today's selection (partial - I started a few more books but these were the ones I finished):

Read book on traditional Japanese budo as seen through eyes of American who has spent all his (long) adult life studying it (occasionally in Japan). Learning about how to write to bridge two worlds - one you come from and whose language is your native tongue, and another one you've mastered.

Read book by Edward Deci on the psychology of motivation and the importance of autonomy and supporting it in others. Struck by passage explaining that constant happiness was not the goal, but the full range of human emotions was. The goal is experiencing emotions (including anger and sadness and other not-happy things) and being able to choose your reaction to the situation, with emotions as one of many inputs to this decision. Not being able to push down those emotions. Which I do easily and well, because I can (and have been) a minefield of fury when I'm things other than happy. That's the flip side of me having the ability to make myself happy basically all the time - that's why it evolved a long, long time ago.

Next, one of the books I didn't finish, but which knocked me for a loop.